View by Industry Stalwarts

Listed below is a full listing of all the professionals we believe are making a difference in the industry today. This list is in alphabetical order of their first name.

Head of Technology, Retail Banking Asia Pacific, Wealth & Private Banking Asia, Technology APEA, ANZ

Choong currently heads Technology, Retail Banking Asia Pacific; Wealth and Private Banking Asia, and...

Group Executive and Head of Group Technology & Operations, DBS

Gledhill is the group executive and head of Group Technology and Operations at DBS Bank, managing ov...

Director and Chairman of the Executive Committee, Siam Commercial Bank

Leading Siam Commercial Bank since 1999,  Suraphongchai turned it from a struggling bank into t...

Non-Executive Chairman, DBS Group and DBS Bank

Seah joined DBS as a director in 2009 and assumed the position of chairman in 2010. He is also prese...