View by France

Listed below is a full listing of all the professionals we believe are making a difference in the country today. This list is in alphabetical order of their first name.

Group Chief Risk Officer , Societe Generale

Stéphane Landon, appointed as Group Chief Risk Officer in December 2022 and a member of the Group Executive Committee since May 24, 2023, has had a distinguished career at S...

Chief Risk Officer , Groupe BPCE

On January 2nd, 2023, Franck Leroy assumes the role of Deputy Chief Executive Officer overseeing Group Risk Management. With almost 25 years of experience in finance, Leroy, a grad...

Chief Risk Officer , Credit Agricole

Since joining Banque Indosuez in 1986, Alexandra Boleslawski has amassed over two decades of experience in asset-based finance, including project finance and equity investment mana...

Group Chief Risk Officer , BNP Paribas

  In his role as Group Chief Risk Officer at BNP Paribas, Frank supervises risk to protect the Group's interests. With more than two decades of experience, he has explored...

Global Chief Information Officer , Societe Generale

Since November 2016, Carlos Gonçalves served as the Global Chief Technology Officer for the Group. Prior to this, he held the position of Global Chief Information Officer fo...

Chief Technology & Operations Officer , Groupe BPCE

Laurent Benatar, a graduate of Polytechnique and Télécom ParisTech, navigated a dynamic career at Orange Group, transitioning between operational management roles in ...

Chief Digital Officer , Credit Agricole

Since November 2020, Eric Caen has served as the Chief Digital Officer at Crédit Agricole S.A. Group, overseeing digital strategy, data and artificial intelligence, and digi...

Global Chief Information Officer , BNP Paribas

Bernard Gavgani, with a career starting in 1982, has played key roles in IT project design and management for various companies. Joining the Group in 1995, he progressed through po...

Managing Director and Global Head of Payments & Cash Management , Societe Generale

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Global Head of Global Trade , Groupe BPCE

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Global Head of International Trade and Transaction Banking , Credit Agricole

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Global Head of Cash and Liquidity, Securities Services , BNP Paribas

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Head of Global Transaction and Payment Services , SociétéGénérale

In 2012, Augé was appointed Deputy Head of Global Transaction Banking and a member of the Board of Directors. He became Head of Global Transaction and Payment Services in Ma...