View by Canada

Listed below is a full listing of all the professionals we believe are making a difference in the country today. This list is in alphabetical order of their first name.

Group Head and Chief Risk Officer , Toronto Dominion

Ajai Bambawale currently serves as Group Head and Chief Risk Officer at TD Bank Group, where he oversees risk management across TD's global operations. Prior to this role, he h...

Chief Risk Officer , Royal Bank of Canada

As RBC's Chief Risk Officer since 2018, Graeme directs enterprise-wide risk management strategies and serves on the Group Executive team shaping RBC's overall direction. Jo...

Senior Executive Vice President, Platforms & Technology , Toronto Dominion

Greg Keeley, Senior Executive Vice President of Platforms & Technology at TD, is a seasoned business and technology executive known for his strategic thought leadership and tea...

Group Head, Technology & Operations , Royal Bank of Canada

Bruce Ross, Group Head of Technology & Operations at RBC, directs global technology and operations strategy for the bank's five businesses. As a key executive, he contribut...

Head of Investment Banking , Barclays Corporate and Investment Bank

Ryan Voegeli has been named Barclays' Head of Investment Banking for Canada and will be stationed in Toronto. He brings twenty years of investment banking experience to Barclay...

Managing Director, Global Head of Cash Management Solutions , BNY Mellon

Olu Adebiyi currently is the Managing Director and Global Head of Cash Management Solutions at BNY Mellon. In his previous role, he held the position of Global Head for Liquidity a...

Managing Director and Global Head, Financial Institutions, Global Transaction Bankingon Bank , Toronto Dominion Bank Group

Tarik Muzaffar is Managing Director and Global Head, Financial Institutions, Global Transaction Banking at Toronto Dominion Bank Group. Prior to his current appointment, he wa...

Managing Director and Global Head of Trade Finance, Global Transaction Banking , Toronto Dominion Bank Group

Kathryn Lamothe is the Managing Director and Global Head of Trade Finance, Global Transaction Banking at Toronto Dominion Bank Group. Prior to her current appointment, she hel...