View by Germany

Listed below is a full listing of all the professionals we believe are making a difference in the country today. This list is in alphabetical order of their first name.

Group Chief Risk Officer , Deutsche Bank

Effective June 1, 2022, Olivier Vigneron is appointed as Deutsche Bank's Group Chief Risk Officer, pending regulatory approvals. He will succeed Stuart Lewis, who announced his...

Chief Operating Officer, Chief Technology and Transformation Officer , ING

Marnix van Stiphout became a member of the Management Board Banking, COO, and chief transformation officer starting September 1, 2021. In his role, he oversees operations, process ...

Chief Technology, Data and Innovation Officer , Deutsche Bank

Bernd Leukert assumed the role of a Deutsche Bank Management Board member on January 1, 2020, overseeing Technology, Data, and Innovation. His tenure with Deutsche Bank began on Se...

Governor , Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBBH)

Jasmina Selimović became the first female governor of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBBH), breaking a political deadlock over appointments. Selimović, like her pred...

Head, Financial Institutions Asia , Commerzbank

Motel leads his team in Frankfurt, as well as 13 representative offices located across Asia, in assisting financial institution clients in Greater China, the Association of Southea...

Chairman , Frankfurt Stock Exchange

Mr. Andreas Preuss is the chairman of Frankfurt Stock Exchange. He has been a Member of the Executive Board at Deutsche Börse AG since 2006, and has been its Deputy Chief Exec...

Head, Global Transaction Banking , Deutsche Bank

He is responsible for leading the global efforts in Cash Management, Trade Finance and Trust & Securities Services. Having studied at University of Darmstadt, he holds a mast...

Board Member , CLS Group

Mr. Leibbrandt led Swift as CEO from 2012 to 2019, having previously served in various capacities including Head of Marketing, Standards, and Strategy. Before Swift, he was a Partn...

MD, Global Head of Cash Management FI Product , Deutsche Bank
Global Payments Innovation Programme Director , SWIFT

Raymaekers manages SWIFT’s banking market worldwide, and is responsible for defining the evolution of its core banking value proposition in view of changing customer requirem...

Chief Risk Officer , Danske Bank A/S

Mr. Gilbert Kohnke has been Chief Risk Officer at Danske Bank A/S since January 30, 2015 and has been its Member of Executive Board since April 1, 2015. Prior to this appointment, ...